Quiz on the topic “Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Quiz on the topic “Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Organizers: Shegebayeva G.E., Mergembayeva A.Zh.

Date of the event: 02.11.2020

State symbols are one of the inalienable attributes of any state that embodies its identity and sovereignty. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, state symbols are the National Flag, the National Emblem, the National Anthem. The symbols of our state are indisputable evidence of the sovereignty and independence of the country, the unity of the people and power, thereby expressing a certain state idea of Kazakhstani democracy, consolidation, and aspiration for universal values. Every citizen is obliged to know and respect the state symbols of his country if he considers himself a patriot of his country. After all, they express the history of the state, a reflection of the past and the present, as an expression of the citizens’ patriotism and recognition at the international level.

On November 2, 2020 by ‘Higher Mathematics’ Department in the face of a lecturers Mergembaeva A.Zh. and Shegebaeva G.E. conducted a quiz “Day of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Quiz held in remote format, it was attended by students of the groups LOG-20-2, LOG-20-2s, TT-20-2, as well as the teaching staff of Transport and Road faculty, the total number amounted to a 37 man. Each of the participants demonstrate their knowledge by answering the questions of the quiz on given topic.

Students were asked questions on a comprehensive knowledge of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they actively answered the following questions: “Where can you see the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan? What does the word “Anthem” mean? What does the text of the anthem carry? Where and to the when the song “My Kazakhstan” sounded like the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time? Indicate the correct list of the main elements of the emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. What is the date of the day of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan? What is depicted on the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan? Who is the author of the music for the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan? Who is the author and creator of our flag? Name the authors of the text of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ”

The following students showed themselves most actively: Beisekeyeva A. M., Mukanova A. T., who has given detailed answers to posed questions. We heard that the National Anthem is a solemn song dedicated to the state; there is a centuries-old history in his words, the life of today and the dream of the future, respect and love for their homeland. The most detailed answers to questions about the anthem has given student of the group Log-20-2 Ber A.A., who told that on January 11, 2006, the song “My Kazakhstan” was first performed during the Presidential inauguration, which took place in the Palace of Akorda.

The students took a huge lead in the quiz where they provided additional materials. One of such students was Volokoncev A. A., a student of group Log-20-2. He prepared a presentation in which the characteristics of the elements of the Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan were described in detail.

The quiz “Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was very exciting and informative, as the students of the groups rallied into one team, where they observed the regulations and knew how to listen to each other.

All the tasks that was presented during the quiz were completed and the students consolidated their knowledge and ideas about the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was an important result of given quiz.

Lecturers of the HM Department    Shegebayeva G.E., Mergembayeva A.Zh.


