On 11/23/2021, a seminar on combating corruption among students was held at the Faculty of Architecture and Construction

The seminar was organized by the SMITH Department, responsible senior lecturer Ryabkova M.P., teacher Rakhtaev A.S.

The seminar was attended by:

Suleimenva Altynai Islyamovna – representative of the information and educational headquarters for combating corruption, teacher of the Central Kazakhstan Academy.

In total, 100 people participated in the seminar, including the deputy.Dean for educational work Tusupbekov A.S., senior curator of the department Smith Serova R.F., teachers of the department SMITH, students of groups: PSK-21-2, P-18-1,2, C-19-3-4, S-19c, S-20-1c, PSK-18-1 -2, PSK-21-1, S-20-5s

Objectives of the workshop:

  • education of a highly moral, responsible, socially competent citizen and patriot;
  • formation of an environment of general rejection of corruption;
  • formation of anti-corruption consciousness and anti-corruption culture in the student environment of the University.

A discussion on corruption risks and anti-corruption behavior among young people is organized.

All the students who participated in the seminar agreed that it is everyone’s duty to contribute to the elimination of the causes and conditions of corruption, not to provoke corruption-dangerous situations and not to pass by corruption manifestations.
