
Congratulations to the winners of the Republican stage 2 Intercollegiate Student Contest!

Team under the leadership of Zhukebayeva Tulesh Zhukebayevna, Cand.Tech.Sci., the associate professor of MMIN in structure:
Karbayev Yerzhan Meyramovich, specialty “Metallurgy”, 4th course
Asauova Araylym Ergaliyevna, specialty “Metallurgy”, 4th course
Toleu Tanzharyk Rymkhanuly, specialty “Metallurgy”, 4th course
for the taken 2nd place in 5B070900 “Metallurgy”.

Team under the leadership of Ashkeev Zhasulan Amanzholovich, Cand.Tech.Sci., the associate professor of MMIN in structure:
Bakirova Akdana Erikovna, specialty “Metallurgy”, 3rd course
Marselova Aygerim Amanzholovna, specialty “Metallurgy”, 3rd course
Dakarimov Sayat Amangeldiulу, specialty “Metallurgy”, 3rd course
for the taken 2nd place in the specialty 5B073800 “Technology of processing of materials pressure”.

And as personally
To Bakirova Akdana for the taken II place in “Technology of processing of materials pressure”,
To Marselova Aygerim for the taken III place in “Technology of processing of materials pressure”,
Dakarimov Sayat for the taken III place in “Technology of processing of materials pressure”,
To Serikova Aygul and Kruch Nell for the taken III place in the II round of Republican competition of research works of students of higher education institutions of RK in “Metallurgy”.
