When people do not know to what port he is steering,

for him no wind is favorable.                                                        




Dear, high school students!


You have a unique opportunity to live in an amazing time – the age of information technology and technological revolution. And in this fast-paced world, You have to find your place in life, i.e. to choose a profession. How to make this choice? This question is asked by many high school graduates, because it may depend the whole future life. To choose a profession is not so much to choose a job, how to choose a certain lifestyle.

Today there are more than six thousand professions, and each imposes certain requirements to the man. Some professions require human strength and agility, the other reaction speed, and others – sociability, tidiness or restraint. In order to properly navigate in the world of professions, You should:

ü to determine what are your professional interests and inclinations, i.e., desires and needs in certain types of activities, commitment not only to the result but to the process that the person makes. From behaviors depends on the attractiveness of the work, interest in it. The propensity of conventionally designated by the expression "I want";

ü assess your professionally important qualities that determine, ultimately, your professional suitability. In addition to health and qualification, belong to this group ability, i.e. the individual human qualities, which determine the possibility of successful implementation of the activities (e.g., temperament). The ability conditionally Express the words"I can";

ü to know which professions are in demand by employers in the labour market for some professions it is possible to find a job. In other words, to determine what's "Necessary".

If you manage to combine "I Want", "Can" è "Must", your career choices will be successful. In other words, your task is to find a profession that:

·       interesting and appealing to you

·       match your abilities

·       demand in the labor market.  

So we suggest you to use the Program "Professional orientation of young people".


Dear high school students,   we hope that the proposed Program will help you identify your strengths, motivations and hidden potential, that you have found your calling in life and doing things you love! Everything you need for success in profession or happiness in the future life inherent in each of YOU!  

With respect Smirnova Galina Mikhailovna,

Director of the Center for engineering education, Karaganda state technical University



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