
The Department of «Technological equipment, engineering and standardization»

Projects of Department

Results of research is not only multi-billion dollar economic effects, it also 16 monographs and more than 120 tutorials and over 1200 articles in scientific journals. Scientific researches of the department are developed in the following areas: threading, electro treatment, intermittent grinding, standardization and certification, roller gearing. In all these studies are involved senior students, interns and graduate students. A number of students and their supervisors were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Researches of the Department 

Software for the calculation modes of nanocoating

Coating Mode Solver (Trial)

The main results of the executed scientific works in the department for the year and their introduction into the educational process and training of the teaching staff cientific results

Subjects of research work

1) “Development of the Kazakhstan system of automation of technological preparation of machine-building production” (topic on program-targeted financing, scientific adviser G. Zhetessova)

2) “Development of technology for thermofriction processing of difficult-to-process materials with impulse cooling allowing replacement of carbide tool material with structural steels” (initiative topic, scientific adviser K. Sherov)

3) “Development and manufacture and testing of a new design of a conveyor turning assembly with a 90 ° rotation of the cargo flow in the working plane of the mine for downhole excavation systems and curved mine workings” (topic of state budget financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific adviser K. Beisembaev)

4) “Development of technology for repair welding of parts and assemblies of mining equipment of JSC“ Shubarkul Komir ” (initiative topic, scientific adviser I. Bartenev)


  1. Zharkevich O.M. “Technology for the restoration and hardening of mining machine parts.” – Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2017 .- 161 p.
  2. Zhetesova G.S. Quality model ESM.– Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2017. – 160 p.
  3. Nurzhanova O.A., Ulanova E.A. Assessment of the effectiveness of the QMS in the manufacture of scraper conveyors in the conditions of KarGorMash-M LLP. – Latvia, Lambert, 2018 .- 107 p.
  4. Zharkevich O.M., Prokhorko K.N. Research and optimization of the operation of inter-shop chain conveyors Latvia, Lambert, 2018. – 100 p.
  5. Sherov K.T., Musaev M.M. Термофрикциялық фрезалап жону тәсілі. – Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2018 .- 120 p.
  6. Mazdubay A.V., Sherov K.T. Металл дайындамаларды кесу технологиясы. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2019. – 173 p.

Significant publications 2013 – 2019 

  1. Gavrilin, A., Moyzes, B., Zharkevich, O. Constructive and processing methods of reducing vibration level of the metalworking machinery elements //Journal of Vibroengineering,Volume 17, Issue 7, 1 January 2015
  2. Zhetessova, G., Zharkevich, O., Pleshakova, Y., Yurchenko, V., Platonova, Y., Buzauova, T Building mathematical model for gas-thermal process of coating evaporation // Metalurgija, Volume 55, Issue 1, 4 August 2016
  3. Sherov, K.T., Sikhimbayev, M.R., Donenbayev, B.S., Sagitov, A.A., Ainabekova, S.S. Experimental Research of Rotational-and-Frictional Boring of Big Holes in Large Parts //Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 47(4), 2017
  4. Sherov, K., Sikhimbayev, M., Mazdubay, A., Donenbayev, B., Bayzhabaginova, G. The reserch of the tempereture impact in tool-workpiece contact on the quality of the cut at thermofrictional cutting //Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 21(3), 2017
  5. Sherov, K., Sikhimbayev, M., Mazdubay, A., Donenbayev, B., Bayzhabaginova, G.The reserch of the tempereture impact in tool-workpiece contact on the quality of the cut at thermofrictional cutting //Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 21(3), 2017
  6. Sherov, K.Т., Sikhimbayev, M.R., Absadykov, B.N., Karsakova, N.G., Gabdysalyk, R. Сontrol’s accuracy improvement and reduction of labor content in adapting of ways of metalcutting tools //News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 6(432), 2018
  7. Nizhegorodov, A.I.Gavrilin, A.N.Moyzes, B.B., Zharkevich O.M., Zhetessova, G.S.Savelyeva, N.A. //Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines //IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 289, Issue 1, 12 January 2018
  8. Nikonova T., Zhetessova G., Yurchenko V. Mathematical modeling of vibroburnishing of the hole of cylinder //Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018
  9. Zhetesova G. S., Beysembaev K. M., Malybaev N. S., Yurchenko V.V. Shmanov M.N. Development of the basic technology for the extraction of fossils with a 90 ° turn of the conveyor // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Engineering of geo-resources ”, №8, 2018
  10. Zhetessova, G.S., Zharkevich, O.M., Nurzhanova, O.A., Zhunuspekov, D.S. //Fit selection and life forecasting of work of movable joints of hydraulic props of powered supports //Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (3), 2019

Scientific work with students and master students 

The department has 11 student scientific circles (leaders: Sherov K.T., Heydan I.A., Beisembaev K.M., Yurchenko V.V., Zharkevich O.M., Zhukova A.V., Mateshov A.K. ., Nikonova T.Yu., Nurzhanova O.A., Buzauova T.M., Beisembaev K.M.).

Republican Olympiad in the specialty 5В073200 “Standardization and Certification (by industry)” in 2019:

1st place – Temirbek Aңsat Serіkұly – student gr. ST-16-1p (Karaganda State Technical University)

Republican Student Research Competition 2019:

Specialty “Technological machines and equipment”:

1st place – Kamaliev S.N. (gr. TMOM-16-3), Salikhov R.I. (gr. TMOM-16-3).

Specialty “Engineering”

3rd place – Turekhanov B.E. (gr. Mash-16-1p);

Specialty “Standardization and Certification”

1st place – B. Mұratbek (gr. St-15-1p);

3rd place – A. Goryacheva (gr. St-16-1p).

For the successes in scientific work and active participation in the Republican student scientific conference “The contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of K. Satpayev and the Year of Youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan, KSTU (April 11-12, 2019 ) the following students were awarded with diplomas:

I-degree diploma – undergraduate gr. POM-18-1 Kuanyshbekova E.K.;

II degree diploma – student gr. PO-15-1 Bіlәlova Zh.S.;

II degree diploma – student gr. PO-15-2 Қozhakhmetova G.B.;

III-degree diploma – student gr. PO-17-1 Sadyrbekova N.B.

I-degree diploma – undergraduate gr. TMOM-18 -3 Tolganay Zh.

All-Russian Student Olympiad “Designing a hydraulic actuator” (Ekaterinburg, April 8 – 10, 2019):

– I-degree diploma – Ashimbaev Damir Asetuly;

– II – degree diploma – Seksenov Rizabek Kayerbekovich.

