Department of «Energy systems»
- Security is the foundation of life
- With care for our smaller brothers
- REPORT about the Round Table dedicated to the Victory Day
- List of activists Zhas Orda ES for the 2021-2022 academic year
- Schedule of curatorial hours of the Department of Power Systems for the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year
- Video about the department
- List of curators Department of “Energy Systems”
- Students activists
- Working with graduates the Department of “Energy Systems“
- Round table on the topic «30th anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site»
- Excursion of students to the Karaganda Regional Museum of Local History
- Event at the Eco Museum
- Ұлттық басылым күні
- Prevention of Internet addiction, gambling and cyberbullying
- Right to education. Educated nation.Quality education
- Charity event «Letter to Santa Claus»
- Excursion to the Eco Museum
- Excursion of «NPF Ergonomics» LLP
- Meeting of 1st and 2nd year students with Karaganda Energy Center LLP
There are 40 student groups at the Department of Energy Systems (of which 15 groups are students of the DOT), curators of which are 21 teachers of the department.
April 12 marks 5 years since the launch of the program for the modernization of public consciousness “Rukhani Zhangyru”. All curatorial hours at the department are held in accordance with this program, for which the topics for all courses have been developed. The long-term program consists of 6 areas: competitiveness-pragmatism-preservation of national identity-the cult of knowledge-openness of consciousness-evolutionary, not revolutionary development.
All of them are reflected in the educational work of the department, which is multifaceted and extensive. The coronavirus pandemic, of course, has greatly affected the events themselves, moving most of them online. However, offline meetings are gradually returning to public life. The program allows you to involve each student in the process of spiritual development and reveal their own potential. The projects of the department are aimed at developing the diligence of students, their legal literacy and spiritual growth.
On March 28, 2022, a round table dedicated to the World Energy Efficiency Day (March 5) was held at the Department of Energy Systems, which was held as part of the special project “Ynem – kogam kuaty” of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program.
Round table participants:
Group EE-20-3 (curator Baidyusenov G.N.)
Group TE-20-2 (curator Bilichenko A.P.)
Group EE-20-2s (curator Draganova M.A.)
Group TE-20-2s (curator Bilichenko E.N.)
During the round table, questions such as:
- State and public measures for energy saving;
- Deepening knowledge about the personal component of energy saving measures;
- Formation of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge about energy saving measures in everyday life;
- Formation of an active life position among students.
The event was held online.
Charity events are also held at the department. By charity, we usually understand gratuitous voluntary assistance to other people. This assistance can be of both material and any other nature. A modern person, if he really wants it, always has the opportunity to do charity work. He can provide targeted material assistance to a sick child, take an animal from a charity fair, attend a charity ball, etc. Even without extra money, any of us can help others by volunteering.
In a word, today all doors are open for charity.
For example, on November 18 curators and students of groups EE-18-3 (curator Balandin V.S.), TE-20s, TE-19s (curator Bilichenko E.N.), TE-20-2 (curator Bilichenko A.P. ), EE-20s (curator Draganova M.A.) together with the head of the Department of Energy Systems Neshina E.G. held a charity event to help a family living in the city of Karaganda and caught in a difficult life situation. A girl Daria (11 years old) lives in the family, she is a very active and creative person.
On November 17, 2021, students of the TE-21-1 group also purchased food and donated it to those in need.
In addition, the department has ongoing campaigns “Road to School” and “Letter to Santa Claus”, which collect funds for school supplies and New Year’s gifts for children from low-income families.
The legal literacy of the students of the department is constantly increasing.
First-year students gr.EE-20-1, TE-20-1, TE-20s in January were invited to a face-to-face meeting with police representatives. The theme of the meeting is “The concept of crime and the responsibility of minors. Drug addiction and its consequences. Administrative responsibility of minors”.
It is no secret that periodically problems related to the topic of the conversation, namely, offenses on the part of students, take place. And often this comes from ignorance of the laws and lack of skills of competent behavior in a critical situation. Therefore, such meetings are very necessary and important, and the leadership of the university has always paid great attention to the awareness of students in legal matters, and not only minors.
In the frantic rhythm of life and study, our students do not forget about our smaller brothers, so this spring they themselves created and hung birdhouses for birds.